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Monday, 5 July 2010
Teaching English in China

Wednesday, 14 April 2010
The Teaching of Buddism

Before the thirteenth century, the region now called Thailand was composed of many small independent kingdoms. Buddhist influence had already been felt in this region as a result of contact with neighbouring countries. At the end of the thirteenth century, Theravada Buddhism gained the support of the Thai king, Ramkham-haeng. He invited Buddhist monks to teach in his capital city of Sukothai. He also established relations with Sri Lanka by sending monks there to study. Furthermore, he began the tradition of appointing a Sangha chief to oversee the administration of the monastic community. Under his patronage, all the people in his kingdom were said to have become Buddhists.
About half a century later, there was another devout and learned king called Luthai who was a strong supporter of Buddhism. He joined the Order for a period of time and is said to have initiated the Thai tradition of Buddhists becoming monks for a limited period of time, usually about three months.
In spite of the wars in the centuries following, Buddhism continued to grow in importance and enjoyed uninterrupted state support. The Thai Order is as influential today as it was in the past. However, some reforms have been introduced since the turn of the present century. There is greater emphasis on Buddhist education and the monks are actively involved not only in teaching the religion, but also in providing secular education for the lay people. Many monks still teach in the primary and secondary schools that have been set up in the Buddhist monasteries throughout the country. Many others also pursue higher studies at Buddhist colleges and universities. Over the past few decades, some monks have been sent overseas to spread the teachings of the Buddha.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
English is a subtle language spoken with various tones created to communicate in balanced meaningful ways. There are methods when English languages sound Direct or Indirect. For example English Citizens choose a direct meaningful word for a direct answer. If the question is meaningful and spoken from the heart the conclusion should be an honest reply. Direct speech spoken with a louder voice tends to sound off balanced and sometimes rude. English citizens should be excused for this direct method with words that control an event or time of need, in slang otherwise known as ‘get the job done.’
English has been used for decades as an international language to nurture and improve our countries communication of education. Direct & Indirect speech is opposite and for should be controlled accordingly. There are higher methods of learning such techniques for business. These methods are difficult to understand but when organized correctly, the speaker becomes communicative from all angles. In context even serious teachers have problems teaching these methodical speech therapies.
Grammar contains thousands of rules designed to teach the bios of the language. Answers to learning English is simple, be conscious of how the language makes you feel when spoken and remember to never forget teacher’s reason for the lesson. Each lesson should have a headline and the conclusion should express how the grammar and words assisted you in learning. How did you feel about your teacher at the end of the lesson?
Since 2001 I have been teaching English to Asian students in Asia. I have gained experience in other various fields that has assisted me with teaching English. I consider all certificates and work experience important. I love teaching and have been rewarded with some of the best moments of my life.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Human Network

Environmental knowledge reports show less networks have effected natural progression of business. Our continuous improvement network has climbed to new heights for the future of network members who have witnessed career and social hold backs. Our mission is to control powerful market chains for improved business ethics. These are required to repair a business and its functions without interrupted issues. We require members to establish themselves on our network to complete maintenance. The key issue is to remove powerful marketing techniques that have disrupted natural emotions through psychology and release the network without fault. You work for a small organization where you wear many hats. You are the network admin for PCs and your routers and switches. Anything that's broken is YOUR problem and only your fault. So, you walk into your office one morning, and you hear the phone ringing. You have an irate user on the other end telling you that the "network is down." I always love those calls where a user, who has no networking background, tells you that the network is down without any analysis tools or technical background. After years of working in networking, you probably know that if the network were really down, then the whole department would probably be calling you and not just this one same user every morning.
Mental Preparation
The first and foremost concept for troubleshooting is not to panic. It might sound like the simplest thing, but that is the reason why some new administrators make mistakes. Then, they dig themselves deeper because they panic. A calm mind can identify the problem and approach the problem with a systematic method. Sometimes, if you have been working with the problem for a long time, it will not hurt to just walk away from the problem and look at it after taking a break. You’ll see that there are some very obvious things you missed. I also like the buddy system. You might want to have someone else look at the problem rather than you seeing or not seeing the same issue - which was probably staring right at you.
Executive Summary
As the design and deployment of data center physical infrastructure moves away from art and more toward science, the benefits of a standardized and predictable process are becoming compelling. Beyond the ordering, delivery, and installation of hardware, any build or upgrade project depends critically upon a well-defined process as insurance against surprises, cost overruns, delays, and frustration. This paper presents an overview of a standardized, step-by-step process methodology that can be adapted and configured to suit individual requirements.
English Etiquette Network removes and distributes market negativity that has created powerful marketing techniques unless their aim is to provide smaller businesses social support in sales of similar market ventures for combined success. Our network has evidence to share with members, who are intrigued to learn how businesses have been withheld over recent years. Our network ventures into certain barriers that have lead to business failure inclusion of local family businesses that have been around for years. Our network remains available to these small businesses that offer local services of enlightenment and support.
Remember this important note, English Etiquette Elite concentrates on network analysis and maintenance for Emerald Cosmopolitan Phenomena Network (ICON), a network of incredible achievement since the its launch several years ago. Our customers should never show regret or blame and remain concentrated on where our network will reach in the following years. We will protect you from the mentioned business powers and discuss how a business can thrive as globalization reaches its next phase.
Join our network and enjoy live presentations from our team dedicated to their work in contributing to the network sophistication. We are announcing a world program for creation and development. Our platforms await the continuous membership to our platforms where network presentations will take place. The effort and controlled environments through maintenance comes from a world audience awaiting our launch.
Our network opens its gates at £$29,00
What receive for membership fee to Emerald Cosmopolitan Phenomena Network is inside information from our blue rooms that monitors Internet trends and useful friendly information. We will forward concrete information on how the internet and social patterns are forming. Our research center runs continuous improvements and real life recommendations on how the world of networking is going to be run. White papers are posted in real time to our network from where we work together to demonstrate an improved system. Our demo network teams are international and can be called out to almost any country in the world to assist a network that needs a good honest opinion. Our network team offers a solution online and the rest is done in fine etiquette and behind closed doors. this is an offer from the higher achy of social trends where a solution means actual improvement and down right success.
The Time is Now!!!
Mr. Stephen Peter Jones
Saturday, 6 February 2010
English Etiqette Network (Freedom of Choice) Crossed Wires
The network is crammed with calls but the buyers market could be on hold to bring fairness into a network. Trust our network to unscramble this mess and provide a better service. Join us now, sit back and rest assured we wont be beaten. Thai Treasure Trove our sister network has been in the hotel industry for quite a few years and although unplugged the hotel chains are left with 887 hotels at risk of loosing 887 hotels worth of chain businesses.
Thai Treasure Trove is unplugged but almost live, ready to climb back on board with English Etiquette Network, our business education enterprise. Just to confuse players, our original Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network remains live with the strategies of trust for our enterprise establishments to climb on board. Read on >>
Lewis Maltby says that employees are often surprised at the reasons over which they can be fired.
With all that you hear today in the news about employees suing former employers, you’d think that it would be very difficult for an employer to actually fire someone. But the reality is different in the private sector.
In a recent interview on NPR, Maltby said, “Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment - but only where the government is concerned. What most Americans generally don’t know is that the Constitution doesn’t apply to private corporations at all.”
Private corporations can fire someone for almost anything. Maltby related an incident when a worker was fired for having a bumper sticker that expressed a political view that did not jibe with the CEO’s.
The only thing that a corporation cannot do is eavesdrop on a personal oral conversation. Anything else, Maltby said, “is open season.”
I’ve written before about how employers-potential and existing-are within legal limits to peruse individuals’ personal blogs or Facebook pages, and to watch what you put there. Maltby says employers do this regularly and can fire someone over what they see.
And it doesn’t stop there. In his book, Maltby relates stories of employer abuses that include tracking employees through cell phone GPS locators to placing hidden cameras in restrooms. He says that 20% of employers now require employees to agree before being hired not to go to court if the corporation violates their legal rights.
While most people would agree that a private company has the right to run itself any way it sees fit, you can see how this right could be abused. Maltby is pushing for the Bill of Rights to apply to the private sector. In the book appendixes, he provides sample letters to elected representatives and human rights organizations as well as an Employee Bill of Rights.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Cooling & Power Capacity Systems for Data Centers

This is a decent read explaining how data centers control information for future global communication. English Etiquette Elite have a responsibility to members to make procedures for this management of communication available for our future partners in global networking.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Where is The Money?
Mental Preparation
The first and foremost concept for troubleshooting is not to panic. It might sound like the simplest thing, but that is the reason why some new administrators make mistakes. Then, they dig themselves deeper because they panic. A calm mind can identify the problem and approach the problem with a systematic method. Sometimes, if you have been working with the problem for a long time, it will not hurt to just walk away from the problem and look at it after taking a break. You’ll see that there are some very obvious things you missed. I also like the buddy system. You might want to have someone else look at the problem rather than you seeing or not seeing the same issue - which was probably staring right at you.
Now, we know that in real life you can’t just walk away from a problem; your management might not appreciate that. You might be losing many millions of dollars while the network is down. I can tell you that in certain medical environments, you want to fix the problem fast since someone’s life might depend on that piece of equipment that you are trying to fix.