After a long wait I've decided to make the move once more to China to teach English. I have chosen a school near Beijing which is close to the Great Wall of China and lucking forward to seeing the attractions and the best of Chinese culture and cuisine. It's Monday 5th July 2010, almost a year since I left Bangladesh to move to China last where I only spent four months in total. This time I have a visa for three months which I expect to be upgraded to a working visa. Also lucking forward to a stay in Hong Kong nearer christmas to get some nightlife action and shopping.
I'm lucky to have good Chinese friends that have organised everything for me for my stay in China from the hotel when I arrive in Beijing to the the flight which was paid for by the school i'm working for. This is almost unheard of having such benefits before arrival so I'm lucking forward to this trip more than ever. Working in England has been tough swopping from agency to agency to find work and also been unemployed so its a pleasure to be on the teaching and travel circuit once more. After four years in Thailand I have to find the best of my English lesson plans to enable a good rapport with the school, parents and students. To all those who are teaching in China good luck with your stay and I hope to catch up with some of you in the near future.