At school we learn from text books, teachers, presentations, lecturers, headmasters or head mistresses. There are thousands of important lessons at school that we remember for own use as we reach maturity and begin to make important decisions for ourselves in society. Education is driven into our children from an early age and now more and more students choose higher education in search of a career. Eventually students graduate from universities, colleges and private schools. Many students choose to use a gap year in between studies to travel which for me is where life really begins.
Travelling and Teaching around the world provides vast opportunities to meet new people, enjoy diverse cultures and learn languages from places afar. I have travelled extensively over the years with some wonderful memories. I have learnt more from cultures than any given subject at school although Geography was my strength. The lessons I learnt at school are important but until I left school to contribute to society, utilise the information and put my new knowledge into good practice I felt useless. What’s the point in studying for many years and not been able to choose the career you desire?
Travelling and teaching in foreign countries welcomes new friends from different countries. As a school teacher working with foreign teachers I notice how teachers from abroad manage their lessons, making each valuable lesson work for the children. For me, this is what life is all about, learning from others and teaching without embarrassing others or hurting a person’s feelings? The same valuable lesson learnt whilst teaching in Thailand where loosing face in society brings extensive humiliation to a person. As teachers, we must learn more about our neighbours, our countries and our world to educate our children for a more peaceful world of mixed cultures.
I have travelled to 55 cities and 18 countries in eight years which has enlightened me with a new found knowledge that has opened doors to life’s hidden wonders. When you have been too countless countries you realise our world is actually a lot smaller than we think. My Travel has included occasional negative memories and scary realisations but overall the past eight years in education and travel have been a working adventure. I honestly recommend students to learn more about other cultures in preparation for their own careers. It's a great tool for business.
People grow old and never forget their teachers from school. A good teacher will always be embedded in the memory of a child. As a teacher’s favourite child remains in the archives of their memory. I have lots of favourite students and never forget their beautiful smiles, cheerful expressions, delightful personalities and characters.
children have a great natural talent at teaching adults. My students have completed project work in Asia that has simply amazed me. An indcredible amount of enjoyment in there studies
reflected on their projects. I have shared a couple of projects from the link below.
reflected on their projects. I have shared a couple of projects from the link below.
Stephen Peter Jones
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