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Monday, 5 July 2010
Teaching English in China

Wednesday, 14 April 2010
The Teaching of Buddism

Before the thirteenth century, the region now called Thailand was composed of many small independent kingdoms. Buddhist influence had already been felt in this region as a result of contact with neighbouring countries. At the end of the thirteenth century, Theravada Buddhism gained the support of the Thai king, Ramkham-haeng. He invited Buddhist monks to teach in his capital city of Sukothai. He also established relations with Sri Lanka by sending monks there to study. Furthermore, he began the tradition of appointing a Sangha chief to oversee the administration of the monastic community. Under his patronage, all the people in his kingdom were said to have become Buddhists.
About half a century later, there was another devout and learned king called Luthai who was a strong supporter of Buddhism. He joined the Order for a period of time and is said to have initiated the Thai tradition of Buddhists becoming monks for a limited period of time, usually about three months.
In spite of the wars in the centuries following, Buddhism continued to grow in importance and enjoyed uninterrupted state support. The Thai Order is as influential today as it was in the past. However, some reforms have been introduced since the turn of the present century. There is greater emphasis on Buddhist education and the monks are actively involved not only in teaching the religion, but also in providing secular education for the lay people. Many monks still teach in the primary and secondary schools that have been set up in the Buddhist monasteries throughout the country. Many others also pursue higher studies at Buddhist colleges and universities. Over the past few decades, some monks have been sent overseas to spread the teachings of the Buddha.
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
English is a subtle language spoken with various tones created to communicate in balanced meaningful ways. There are methods when English languages sound Direct or Indirect. For example English Citizens choose a direct meaningful word for a direct answer. If the question is meaningful and spoken from the heart the conclusion should be an honest reply. Direct speech spoken with a louder voice tends to sound off balanced and sometimes rude. English citizens should be excused for this direct method with words that control an event or time of need, in slang otherwise known as ‘get the job done.’
English has been used for decades as an international language to nurture and improve our countries communication of education. Direct & Indirect speech is opposite and for should be controlled accordingly. There are higher methods of learning such techniques for business. These methods are difficult to understand but when organized correctly, the speaker becomes communicative from all angles. In context even serious teachers have problems teaching these methodical speech therapies.
Grammar contains thousands of rules designed to teach the bios of the language. Answers to learning English is simple, be conscious of how the language makes you feel when spoken and remember to never forget teacher’s reason for the lesson. Each lesson should have a headline and the conclusion should express how the grammar and words assisted you in learning. How did you feel about your teacher at the end of the lesson?
Since 2001 I have been teaching English to Asian students in Asia. I have gained experience in other various fields that has assisted me with teaching English. I consider all certificates and work experience important. I love teaching and have been rewarded with some of the best moments of my life.
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Human Network

Environmental knowledge reports show less networks have effected natural progression of business. Our continuous improvement network has climbed to new heights for the future of network members who have witnessed career and social hold backs. Our mission is to control powerful market chains for improved business ethics. These are required to repair a business and its functions without interrupted issues. We require members to establish themselves on our network to complete maintenance. The key issue is to remove powerful marketing techniques that have disrupted natural emotions through psychology and release the network without fault. You work for a small organization where you wear many hats. You are the network admin for PCs and your routers and switches. Anything that's broken is YOUR problem and only your fault. So, you walk into your office one morning, and you hear the phone ringing. You have an irate user on the other end telling you that the "network is down." I always love those calls where a user, who has no networking background, tells you that the network is down without any analysis tools or technical background. After years of working in networking, you probably know that if the network were really down, then the whole department would probably be calling you and not just this one same user every morning.
Mental Preparation
The first and foremost concept for troubleshooting is not to panic. It might sound like the simplest thing, but that is the reason why some new administrators make mistakes. Then, they dig themselves deeper because they panic. A calm mind can identify the problem and approach the problem with a systematic method. Sometimes, if you have been working with the problem for a long time, it will not hurt to just walk away from the problem and look at it after taking a break. You’ll see that there are some very obvious things you missed. I also like the buddy system. You might want to have someone else look at the problem rather than you seeing or not seeing the same issue - which was probably staring right at you.
Executive Summary
As the design and deployment of data center physical infrastructure moves away from art and more toward science, the benefits of a standardized and predictable process are becoming compelling. Beyond the ordering, delivery, and installation of hardware, any build or upgrade project depends critically upon a well-defined process as insurance against surprises, cost overruns, delays, and frustration. This paper presents an overview of a standardized, step-by-step process methodology that can be adapted and configured to suit individual requirements.
English Etiquette Network removes and distributes market negativity that has created powerful marketing techniques unless their aim is to provide smaller businesses social support in sales of similar market ventures for combined success. Our network has evidence to share with members, who are intrigued to learn how businesses have been withheld over recent years. Our network ventures into certain barriers that have lead to business failure inclusion of local family businesses that have been around for years. Our network remains available to these small businesses that offer local services of enlightenment and support.
Remember this important note, English Etiquette Elite concentrates on network analysis and maintenance for Emerald Cosmopolitan Phenomena Network (ICON), a network of incredible achievement since the its launch several years ago. Our customers should never show regret or blame and remain concentrated on where our network will reach in the following years. We will protect you from the mentioned business powers and discuss how a business can thrive as globalization reaches its next phase.
Join our network and enjoy live presentations from our team dedicated to their work in contributing to the network sophistication. We are announcing a world program for creation and development. Our platforms await the continuous membership to our platforms where network presentations will take place. The effort and controlled environments through maintenance comes from a world audience awaiting our launch.
Our network opens its gates at £$29,00
What receive for membership fee to Emerald Cosmopolitan Phenomena Network is inside information from our blue rooms that monitors Internet trends and useful friendly information. We will forward concrete information on how the internet and social patterns are forming. Our research center runs continuous improvements and real life recommendations on how the world of networking is going to be run. White papers are posted in real time to our network from where we work together to demonstrate an improved system. Our demo network teams are international and can be called out to almost any country in the world to assist a network that needs a good honest opinion. Our network team offers a solution online and the rest is done in fine etiquette and behind closed doors. this is an offer from the higher achy of social trends where a solution means actual improvement and down right success.
The Time is Now!!!
Mr. Stephen Peter Jones
Saturday, 6 February 2010
English Etiqette Network (Freedom of Choice) Crossed Wires
The network is crammed with calls but the buyers market could be on hold to bring fairness into a network. Trust our network to unscramble this mess and provide a better service. Join us now, sit back and rest assured we wont be beaten. Thai Treasure Trove our sister network has been in the hotel industry for quite a few years and although unplugged the hotel chains are left with 887 hotels at risk of loosing 887 hotels worth of chain businesses.
Thai Treasure Trove is unplugged but almost live, ready to climb back on board with English Etiquette Network, our business education enterprise. Just to confuse players, our original Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network remains live with the strategies of trust for our enterprise establishments to climb on board. Read on >>
Lewis Maltby says that employees are often surprised at the reasons over which they can be fired.
With all that you hear today in the news about employees suing former employers, you’d think that it would be very difficult for an employer to actually fire someone. But the reality is different in the private sector.
In a recent interview on NPR, Maltby said, “Freedom of speech is protected by the First Amendment - but only where the government is concerned. What most Americans generally don’t know is that the Constitution doesn’t apply to private corporations at all.”
Private corporations can fire someone for almost anything. Maltby related an incident when a worker was fired for having a bumper sticker that expressed a political view that did not jibe with the CEO’s.
The only thing that a corporation cannot do is eavesdrop on a personal oral conversation. Anything else, Maltby said, “is open season.”
I’ve written before about how employers-potential and existing-are within legal limits to peruse individuals’ personal blogs or Facebook pages, and to watch what you put there. Maltby says employers do this regularly and can fire someone over what they see.
And it doesn’t stop there. In his book, Maltby relates stories of employer abuses that include tracking employees through cell phone GPS locators to placing hidden cameras in restrooms. He says that 20% of employers now require employees to agree before being hired not to go to court if the corporation violates their legal rights.
While most people would agree that a private company has the right to run itself any way it sees fit, you can see how this right could be abused. Maltby is pushing for the Bill of Rights to apply to the private sector. In the book appendixes, he provides sample letters to elected representatives and human rights organizations as well as an Employee Bill of Rights.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Cooling & Power Capacity Systems for Data Centers

This is a decent read explaining how data centers control information for future global communication. English Etiquette Elite have a responsibility to members to make procedures for this management of communication available for our future partners in global networking.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Where is The Money?
Mental Preparation
The first and foremost concept for troubleshooting is not to panic. It might sound like the simplest thing, but that is the reason why some new administrators make mistakes. Then, they dig themselves deeper because they panic. A calm mind can identify the problem and approach the problem with a systematic method. Sometimes, if you have been working with the problem for a long time, it will not hurt to just walk away from the problem and look at it after taking a break. You’ll see that there are some very obvious things you missed. I also like the buddy system. You might want to have someone else look at the problem rather than you seeing or not seeing the same issue - which was probably staring right at you.
Now, we know that in real life you can’t just walk away from a problem; your management might not appreciate that. You might be losing many millions of dollars while the network is down. I can tell you that in certain medical environments, you want to fix the problem fast since someone’s life might depend on that piece of equipment that you are trying to fix.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Sentosa Island Re-United
This was a great occasion of how people from my travels can have fun, people from all over the world. I guess a good network could make it better.
The Globalisation Game Warms Up!
The Linux Foundation is pleased to announce the opening of registration and call for papers for the 4th Annual Collaboration Summit which will take place April 14-16, 2010 in San Francisco.
Presented by platinum sponsors Intel and IBM, the Collaboration Summit is an exclusive, invitation-only gathering of the brightest minds in Linux, including core kernel developers, distribution maintainers, ISVs, end users, system vendors and other community organizations. It is the only conference designed to accelerate collaboration and encourage solutions by bringing together a true cross-section of leaders to meet face-to-face to tackle the most pressing issues facing Linux today.
Topics for this year’s Collaboration Summit will include high performance computing, legal issues and cross-community/cross-industry collaboration. The agenda will be finalized and posted on our website in the coming weeks. As in past years, this event is limited to only
300 people, and will fill up quickly.
The Annual Collaboration Summit will be co-located again this year with the CELF Embedded Linux Conference. The winner of the 2nd Annual Linux Foundation Video Contest will also be revealed at the summit, where the winning video and honorable mentions will be screened for
the event’s attendees.
Design/methodology/approach – About 16 informants, either Australians who had worked or studied overseas, or expatriates residing in Australia, participated in a qualitative research study. Analysis was an iterative process involving textual interpretation of interview transcripts and photographs supplied by informants.
Findings – Support is found for Thompson and Tambyah's idea that a cosmopolitan consumer orientation comprises dominant masculine and counter-veiling feminine traits. Contradicting Thompson and Tambyah, the study validates Cannon and Yaprak's idea that a cosmopolitan consumer orientation simultaneously embraces maintaining close ties to their cultural roots and seeking to consume products from other cultures. Additional aspects of cosmopolitanism are identified, including the benefits of expatriate enclaves and difficulties upon returning home.
Research limitations/implications – Theory validation arises as a consequence of finding partial support for past findings. Theory generation manifests as suggested modifications to extant theory and identification of additional aspects of cosmopolitanism as a consumer orientation.
Practical implications – Understanding cosmopolitanism as a consumer orientation has implications for understanding consumption of culturally distant products.
Originality/value – The paper offers foundations for future research into an increasingly significant aspect of consumption.
English Etiquette Elite
Cross cultural businesses have arrived on our door-step but have these companies been through our cultural awareness program in person. I doubt it, but we except excellent forward destined initiatives as fair comment and on most cases accurate. Our platform operates on most levels, this is our awareness and source for information without invitation, more as mission executives. is this a game of chess or actual precision engineering results from continuous progressive researchers.
Citrix XenDesktop & English Etquette Elite Network
Whether you’re considering your first virtual desktop solution or trying to salvage an existing implementation, Citrix XenDesktop™ is the clear choice on the market that offers the performance, scalability and manageability required to meet your business needs.
In a head-to-head comparison with VMware View, XenDesktop provides a host of benefits that View doesn’t offer — including clearly superior performance over any network and up to 10X lower bandwidth utilization. XenDesktop enhances IT visibility with built-in service level assurance tools for proactive problem resolution, scalable single image management and role-based application delivery for streamlined management. In this white paper, we provide a point-by-point comparison between the technologies and benefits offered by Citrix XenDesktop and VMware View that you should consider before choosing a VDI provider.
One of the biggest IT challenges most organizations face is the management of hundreds and possibly thousands of client devices. The resources required to deploy, support, manage, and maintain an efficient client infrastructure with a modern desktop environment are substantial. Desktop device configurations must be robust, flexible and remain agile across mobile devices, desktop computers, laptops, thin clients and now virtual desktops.Large scale desktop deployments also represent one of the most challenging projects an organization can undertake and success can lead to higher usage and productivity as well as a lower cost infrastructure and improved ROI on your hardware and software investment.
English Ettie Elite Etiquette has extensive expertise in the design and deployment of desktop solutions that range from large scale desktop upgrades though to complex server based computing and vitalization solutions. By utilising a combination of our deployment services with the latest desktop technologies, our customers will benefit from reduced deployment risk and more efficiency within their desktop environment. Your environment and desktop is the key to your future.
They build the future, we test it!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
English Ettiquette Share a Point
The Digital Marketing Revolution
Between the buzz of social networking sites, the rise of the blogosphere, and the continued drive of online advertising, digital media and marketing through digital means has moved to a prominent concern and opportunity for most mainstream businesses. The effects of which can be seen in a continued shift of the top spenders on advertising away from traditional media.
Spending follows a shift in customer activity to online, mobile devices, game consoles, and other areas not easily reached by traditional advertising. Digital media and marketing allow advertisers to observe and reach the ever-elusive customers yet also drive greater accountability and return on their marketing investments. This shift in technology adoption, led by the Web and mobile devices has started to shift not only how consumers interact with businesses but with each other.
User-generated content, social applications, mash-ups—things once simply labeled as "Web 2.0"—represent a Web incarnation of an overall shift in expectations many consumers have around technology and the expectations they have for interactions with businesses, brands and products; a shift towards collaboration in creating personal, interactive and social experiences.
Though advertising garners the most attention with respect to digital marketing, it is only one aspect of the overall marketing relationship, a relationship increasingly driven by interactions through software. Businesses must consider not only how they attract customers but how they engage and excite them as well.
This trend is not limited to the Web. From mobile phones to interactive TV to in-store experiences, customers increasingly expect these relevant, interactive and social experiences to be consistent across all of their devices, all aspects of their lives. Businesses cannot support these types of experiences through a series of isolated Web sites, mobile applications, etc. Connections must be made from back-end systems out to a myriad of end-points using a combination of software plus services. At the same time, many businesses are busy building ad platforms to better track and control advertising investments. Piece by piece, most companies are building marketing platforms, often unknowingly.
Read on to learn how Microsoft offers a unique ability to not only help provide the technology to support marketing platforms—from back end business systems all the way to advertising solutions— but the experience to help bridge the two worlds of marketing and information technology.
Microsoft offers a unique ability to not only help provide the technology to support marketing platforms—from back end business systems all the way to advertising solutions— but the experience to help bridge the two worlds of marketing and information technology.
Globalization & World Etiquette

Global Etiquette, reached from one standard, from one organization, from our network.
The People
Four countries make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland -- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Residents of any of these countries may be called "British." Use "English," "Scot" or "Scotsman," "Welsh" and "Irish" or "Northern Irish" only when certain of a person’s heritage. While the four countries share many customs, each has its own set of cultural nuances.
In England, politeness, reserve, and restraint are admired. The English are courteous, unassuming and unabrasive and are very proud of their long and rich history.
Scots are passionate about their country, guarding its uniqueness and refusing to go along with English ideas. While cool and aloof externally, they are extremely sentimental about their family and their country. Overall Scots are free of class consciousness and social elitism, except in religion.
Generally, Protestants mix only with Protestants and Catholics mix only with Catholics.
Scots have a keen, subtle sense of humor and value generosity, respectability.
Wales has been part of the United Kingdom for more than 400 years, but has kept its own language, literature and traditions. Most residents of Wales are of Welsh or English heritage. Many immigrants from former British colonies and other parts of U.K. Welsh take great pride in their country and their heritage. The Welsh love to sing and talk and spend much of their free time at with their families.
Two-thirds of the Northern Irish have Scottish or English roots. The others are of Irish descent. Irish value friendliness, sincerity and nature. They dislike pretentious behavior and possess a strong work ethic. Family ties are very important in Northern Ireland.
Meeting and Greeting
* The British are reserved, which may cause them to appear cool and indifferent or overly formal. In fact, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners.
* Shake hands with everyone present -- men, women, and children -- at business and social meetings. Shake hands again when leaving.
* Handshakes are light -- not firm.
* Women should extend their hand to men first.
* Use last names and appropriate titles until specifically invited by your British hosts or colleagues to use their first names.
Body Language
* The British are not back slappers or touchers and generally do not display affection in public.
* Hugging, kissing and touching is usually reserved for family members and very close friends.
* The British like a certain amount of personal space. Do not stand too close to another person or put your arm around someone's shoulder.
* Staring is considered rude.
Corporate Culture
* In Great Britain, punctuality is important for business meetings. Be on time.
* Brits prefer a congenial business relationship, but tend to get right down to business after a few moments of polite conversation.
* Business is best initiated through a well-connected third party.
* The Board of Directors is the source of power and the principal decision making unit in a company. Formal approval of the board is required for most decisions. Decisions may be slow in the making.
* Expect formalities and protocol to be observed in business, especially in London.
* Business organization traditionally is multi-layered with a vertical chain of command. A network of committees, formal and informal, exists in larger companies. Group consensus is preferred to individual initiative.
* In older companies, business still centers around the "old boy network" with prep schools, universities and family ties being of great importance. Newer companies are more progressive.
* Meetings should be scheduled well in advance.
* Meetings generally have a concrete objective, such as: making a decision, developing a plan or arriving at an agreement.
* Presentations should be detailed and subdued.
* Scots are known for being skilled businesspersons, priding themselves for being internationalists. They also are suspicious of "go-getters" and respect success only when it is achieved over time.
Dining and Entertainment
* Summon a waiter by raising your hand. Don't wave or shout.
* Most business entertaining is done restaurants or pubs over lunch. The host, the one who extends the invitation, pays the bill.
* A British business associate may invite you to watch cricket or to the regatta. Both are prestigious events. Wear your tweed sport coat or blue blazer.
* An invitation to someone's home is more common in England than in the rest of Europe.
* Do not discuss business at dinner in someone's home unless the host initiates the conversation.
* In England, when invited to someone's home, arrive at least 10-20 minutes after the stated time. Never arrive early. In Scotland and Wales, arrive on time.
* A male guest of honor is seated at the head of the table or to the right of the hostess. A female guest of honor is seated to the right of the host.
* Wait for your host to begin eating before you eat.
* Host or hostess always initiates first toast, which is usually only given at a formal dinner.
* At a formal dinner, do not smoke until after the toast to the Queen or until otherwise indicated by the host.
* Keep your hands on the table at all times during the meal -- not in your lap. However, take care to keep your elbows off the table.
* When finished eating, place knife and fork side by side on the plate at the 5:25 position.
* You should leave a very small amount of food on your plate when finished eating.
* The guest of honor should initiate leaving a party.
* When the host folds his napkin, this signals that the meal is over.
* Leave a dinner party shortly after dinner ends.
* Write a thank you note to the hostess.
* It is considered impolite to ask for a tour of your host's home.
* Entertain anyone who has entertained you, but don't try to impress British guests with an extravagant dinner. The Brits prefer understatement.
* People in the larger cities dress more formally, especially in London.
* Men and women wear wools and tweeds for casual occasions. Slacks, sweaters and jackets are appropriate for men and women.
* Avoid striped ties that are copies of British regimentals.
* Men's clothing often expresses affiliation rather than style. Ties are important symbols. School, army, university or club ties are worn.
* For business meetings, men should wear dark suits and ties. Women should wear suits, dresses or skirts and blouses.
* Do not wear a blazer to work. A blazer is country or weekend wear.
* For formal events men may wear black ties, business suits, morning coats or tails. Inquire which is required. Women generally wear cocktail suits or dresses.
* Gifts are normally not exchanged in business settings.
* When invited to someone's home, always bring a small gift for the hostess. Give flowers, chocolates, wine, champagne or books. Present the gift upon arrival.
* Gifts are opened upon receiving.
* It is polite to send flowers in advance of a dinner party. Do not send white lilies, which denote death.
Helpful Hints
* Men should open doors for women and stand when a woman enters a room.
* Always hold the door for a person following behind you.
* Honor rank when entering a room. Allow higher rank to enter first.
* Don’t insult the royal family or show great interest in their private lives.
* Respect the British desire for privacy. Don’t ask personal questions, such as where a person lives or what a person does for a profession or job. Don’t talk about money.
* Do not violate a queue. It is considered very rude to push ahead in a line.
* Do not shout or be loud in public places and don’t use excessive, demonstrative hand gestures when speaking.
* Staring is considered impolite.
* Do not be too casual, especially with the English language.
* The English avoid speaking in superlatives. "I am quite pleased," means they are extremely happy.
* Never try to sound British or mimic their accent.
* Humor is ever-present in English life. It is often self-deprecating, ribbing, sarcastic, sexist or racist. Try not to take offense.
* In Scotland, kilts are worn by men at formal occasions (i.e., black tie, weddings, etc.). Don’t make jokes about or ask a Scot what he wears under his kilt.
* In Northern Ireland, religion and politics have created conflict in for many years. Avoid these discussing topics if possible.
Especially for Women
* The 'Old Boy Network' is alive and well in the United Kingdom. However, women are becoming more common in managerial positions in the United Kingdom than in most EC countries, especially in service industries and public sector jobs.
* Foreign women will have little difficulty conducting business in Great Britain.
* Don't be insulted if someone calls you love, dearie, or darling. These are commonly used and not considered rude.
* It is acceptable, but may be misconstrued, for a foreign woman to invite an English man to dinner. It is best to stick with lunch.
* If a woman would like to pay for a meal, she should state this at the outset.
* Crossing your legs at the ankles, not at the knees, is proper.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Creative Commons & English Elite Etiquette

To share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work
To remix – to adapt the work
Under the following conditions:
Attribution – You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
Share alike – If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one.
Creative Commons has been described as being at the forefront of the copy left movement, which seeks to support the building of a richer public domain by providing an alternative to the automatic "all rights reserved" copyright, dubbed "some rights reserved." David Berry and Giles Moss have credited Creative Commons with generating interest in the issue of intellectual property and contributing to the re-thinking of the role of the "commons" in the "information age". Beyond that, Creative Commons has provided "institutional, practical and legal support for individuals and groups wishing to experiment and communicate with culture more freely."
Creative Commons works to counter what the organization considers to be a dominant and increasingly restrictive permission culture. According to Lawrence Lessig, founder of Creative Commons, it is "a culture in which creators get to create only with the permission of the powerful, or of creators from the past". Lessig maintains that modern culture is dominated by traditional content distributors in order to maintain and strengthen their monopolies on cultural products such as popular music and popular cinema, and that Creative Commons can provide alternatives to these restrictions.
Cracked the Merchants in Style?

The fastest computer could be a mission to elude the so called shoppers paradise in monitoring who buys what, where and when. These people are paid in the form of conducting surveys and are either living off the HI-So promise or deluding the truth behind powerful marketing techniques. What ever the reason we have cracked the market with our very own marketing sound guru who has smacked the market up with a song called citrus on the D&B theme. Music educates us in various powerful ways as citrus delves through the backside of marketing at the top end with a question, 'Is it true?'
Office Bureaucracy Watch!

There are times of bureaucratic nuisances that our brain, unless modeled for the moment can divert into a phase of insanity causing emotional relapse where panic sets in a need for a sweet cup of tea prevails. The mind soothes our nerves from this emotional attack.
Everyone has different ideas on how to organize a schedule and combat the office overload. English Etiquette Elite believe that their is a method behind office management of huge bureaucratic proportions. Various people deal extraordinarily well with this style of file organization, hence their ability to sift through ideal documents to complete a project. In most cases, bureaucracy falls short of a pain in the rear end. We believe that we could not do without it. Common knowledge describes this office organization as organized (see picture above) and much faster than searching for files of idealism on a search given a clear objective in the first place.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Beat The System
Goldeon Virginia

Now that we have compromised on Emerald Cosmological Phenomena network we will move forward and enlighten your taste buds with our new side kick organization under the name English Etiquette Elite. Our aim is to provide a good honest cut of the truth that good companies been the general public claim to be above the rest on many accounts. It's about Etiquette and the delivery of a good honest image of how a product can enlighten the day. Of course smoking is under the governments health watch but we live once and are born with a negative idea that we are going to die ... I sometimes light up a smoke but never think about its consequences because the person behind me will always push for another answer as to why I can smoke.
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Gold Leaf Daze (Words Can't Express)
Managed to conduct a decent day today with a feww ciders a bedroom cleanup and some strangers music on the mend. Loaded the computer with some tunes and sat back and watched it all unfold. Like been on the dance floor at the height of the moment but sat down on relax mode. Amazing how the oldskool tuneage uplifts the spirits from above to make us high enough to listen in piece. Say what you want I do !!!
Saturday, 23 January 2010
English Etiquette Elite - Click Per SIP Program

English Etiquette Elite & Opera Browser

Inspirational Strategies from English Etiquette Elite include a new partner, Opera email system embedded deeply into an email system that includes some excellent tool for a secure all-in-one framwork. How can this all make sense i wonder. Think Art!
steppe is an eclectic and inspirational guide to the arts, history, culture and landscape of Central Asia. Printed twice a year, steppe stretches boundaries and looks beyond traditional subjects by showcasing the immense variety Central Asia has to offer - from ancient history to cuting-edge architecture; from majestic landscapes to the region's opulent interiors; from ancient rock drawings to contemporary video art; from historical figures to living legends; plus textiles, music, books, cookery and much, much more.
The trial issue features an article by Josh Abrams showing that its not all ‘bread and circuses’ when the price of wheat rises, Robert Chandler visits the Igor Savitsky Museum and Gael Guichard ventures out onto the ice with fishermen who make their living from the Aral Sea.
Other features include a review of contemporary art from Central Asia by Elena Sorokina, a report on the Desert Treasures in Berlin and Mannheim and Marinika Babanazarova describes the birth of the Uzbek School of Art and Savitsky's passion for collecting its work.
DJ Etiquette

It's strange how I've always been at some point or other in the media for whatever reason. One exciting career is to become a DJ. Here's some tips for that exciting new DJ career you have been waiting for.
1.Take speech, drama and English courses in high school and college. Make tapes of your speaking voice and ask your speech and drama teachers for their opinion of your vocal projection.
2.Consider working part-time while you are in high school as a mobile disc jockey at parties. Observe experienced mobile DJs and you'll learn what's good vs. what's unprofessional. Find out from them what equipment you need. If you're really good, you can eventually advance to more formal affairs, such as weddings. The experience will be priceless.
3.Ask your guidance counselor for a list of colleges and universities that specialize in broadcasting.
4.Apply to several schools that offer a broadcasting degree with a radio emphasis. Although it's not always necessary for a DJ to have a degree, it will give you a major advantage within the broadcasting industry.
5.Gain experience at your college radio station by doing any work that will teach you about radio broadcasting, a station's equipment and the problems associated with airtime. Offer to be the DJ or radio announcer at the station during unusual hours. Then make a tape of the show and include the experience on your résumé.
6.Get an internship of any kind at a local radio station while you're in college. It can sometimes lead to a permanent position. Realize that you will most likely be doing office work initially, not talking into a microphone or running the board. But you need this experience.
7.Consult your broadcasting adviser about the availability of entry-level radio jobs through the college.
8.Consider a radio job at a small community station after graduation if the opportunity presents itself. You'll probably begin with an entry-level position to learn the ropes, but your chances of speaking on the air in the near future will be far greater than in a larger market. The large markets want you to have had several years of on-air experience.
Friday, 22 January 2010
Chinese New Year

Within China, regional customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese new year vary widely. People will pour out their money to buy presents, decoration, material, food, and clothing. It is also the tradition that every family thoroughly cleans the house to sweep away any ill-fortune in hopes to make way for good incoming luck. Windows and doors will be decorated with red colour paper-cuts and couplets with popular themes of “happiness”, “wealth”, and “longevity”. On the Eve of Chinese New Year, supper is a feast with families. Food will range from pigs, to ducks, to chicken and sweet delicacies. The family will end the night with firecrackers. Early the next morning, children will greet their parents by wishing them a healthy and happy new year, and receive money in red paper envelopes. The Chinese New Year tradition is a great way to reconcile forgetting all grudges, and sincerely wish peace and happiness for everyone.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Guest House Cambodia
Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network®
In every human there is dormant or active spiritual progression of thirst for betterment. Given the chosen environment of comfort or culture, a dormant educated human insists on what we value as variegation, a diversity of colours for symbolic achievement. Dubious imperfect decisions are futile and disappointing, and there is urgent need for a certainty of business ethnic perfection. The crying need to rise above the level of mediocrity determines ideas of basic principles where decisions often remain dormant for environmental issues far above executive decision makers in world business phenomena. Active customers must approach our active scientific interpretation of the phenomena for universal structures in lucubration.
Emerald Cosmological Phenomena creation in simplicity dictates business recognition in all organisational factors that contribute to refinement, enrichment and above all, efficiency. Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network inherits a pattern or paragon for gravitational perfection for active business solutions of natural omniscient genius and incomparable order. Our strenuous intrepidity embanks on dormant businesses for a phenomena function that dissolves in our mind to enable a transitional ordinance in business strategy. Our universal mythology contributes to argent business solutions that are modeled around the business theme. Our clients frequently require personal statue modeling for personal business motivation that implies a state of harmony or unity in their chosen business enterprise.
Our guidance maintains sophisticated business harmony without over-branding. Universal cultures strive to reform business platforms into successful, external enterprises from where idealism touches delusional romanticism onto a working platform Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network has an immaculate record in securing and monitoring business platforms for enterprise conduct, throwing inspirational belief into all projects.
I mentioned earlier about active and dormant business projects where the belief becomes a delusion often been the cause of de-motivation. Management systems tend to be regarded as information technology based but it does not have to be this way. Many small traditional businesses have still to embrace technology. Our services are highly recommended as a speech is mightier than a shot or a sword; a single approach has great effect when a once lonesome entrepreneur enters the external fellowship of recent successors to solve generations of business losses of wealth. Our message simplifies destines of such business losses by offering the chance to regain procession of our beloved assets and cultures for the benefits of our countries. Emerald Cosmological Phenomena Network possesses a subtle, strong and sure might the crude cannot endure.
metaphysics controls many aspects of today’s programs that often adopt styles, trends and performances from other existing achievers, we offer individual authenticity from our power chain management program, originally created from Asian cultural beliefs, themes and meanings. A mission has possibilities when a custom isn’t tarnished or unscathed through misuse. It is imperative that managers are able to retrieve information efficiently for the so mentioned business transition into the new world. Join our dynamic team of unquestionable business reliance in capturing that authentic business belief
Mr. Stephen Peter Jones
Contact 07592067703
Friday, 15 January 2010
Head Art
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
English Ettiquite Elite Merchant

Business Solutions with English Ettiquite Elite Network throws freedom of trust that once shadowed marketers with mistrust and doubt that covered a whole spectrum of businesses worldwide. Our mind solutions of network merchants and members control markets worldwide. The economy had interpreted rights to a transient market that lead business owners to become less dominant and later joining the recession.
To know weak you must first know weakness and to be strong you must first understand strength. When the above is understood the whole area of procedure is to grow from strength to strength. A closer evidential word for this is class as Rune.
‘You have the power to face anything that might cross your path’
Fear nothing for you have the authority to claim your destiny. Let no one deter you as you reach out for the truth. Hold fast to your birthright, be a spiritual being, but always remember to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Spirituality brings power and it is up to you to use it in an unselfish and loving way. Power can corrupt if you do not have a true and honest heart. A master of trades in an authorities manor from the heart shows that you have mastered the ego. English Ettiquite Elite Network is here to stay and we WILL help you encounter challenges as we enter the stage together for success.
‘This is not a system so remain resourceful and remain focused on solutions for our future. Focus your thoughts to attract the energy needed to make your dream a reality.’
For the initial launch of English Ettiquite Network there are basics needs to allocate is at conference level. At this level of communication our members will need various programs allocated at abode online experience. There is no need to download software or create large amounts paperwork. We can talk online from where our team will make phone calls to members in the terms of a help line. Here are the links for joining our team at English Ettiquite Elite.
These can be downloaded on a 30 trial. It is not necessary to pay at this point and our lines are open fro a chat at anytime just dial the number issued at the footer of the Network information page.
As our affiliate list grows and our business team grows and the network environment becomes more balanced. We are love, Passion and Pride (LPP). We mind businesses in our Network and provide a safe and secure service. Your social business calculates a time in your life when you are asking for approval or a standard of a new balance. Other networked sources choose us as the supplier of information or business solutions. Our frame has strength without boundaries and moves forward as we break the sound barrier.
Join our team of marketers today. There is no signup fee or charge for the first 100 affiliates. Think about smart business solutions for an improved outlook in future marketing, a business structure and motivational environment on a platform of trusted members. The first step is simple send a text message to the number below with name and email address. Our team will send a verification email for the first stage to signing up for our Network. We expect nothing other than a text and a heart of gold.
God Bless
Membership Hotline +44 (0) 7592067703
Mr. Stephen Peter Jones
Direct & InDirect World of English

English has been used for decades as an international language to nurture and improve our countries communication and education. Direct & Indirect speech is opposite and for should be controlled accordingly. There are higher methods of learning such techniques for business. These methods are difficult to understand but when organized correctly, the speaker becomes communicative from all angles. In context even serious teachers have problems teaching these methodical speech therapies.
Grammar contains thousands of rules designed to teach the bios of the language. Answers to learning English is simple, be conscious of how the language makes you feel when spoken and remember to never forget teacher’s reason for the lesson. Each lesson should have a headline and the conclusion should express how the grammar and words assisted you in learning. How did you feel about your teacher at the end of the lesson?
Saturday, 2 January 2010

Asser was a Welsh monk from St. David's, Dyfed, who became Bishop of Sherborne in the 890s. In about 885 he was asked by Alfred the Great to leave St. David's and join the circle of learned men which Alfred was recruiting for his court. After spending a year at Caerwent due to an illness, he accepted. In 893 Asser wrote a biography of Alfred, called the Life of King Alfred. The manuscript survived to modern times in only one copy, which was part of the Cotton library. That copy was destroyed in a fire in 1731, but transcriptions that had been made earlier, allied with material from Asser's work that was included by other early writers, have enabled the work to be reconstructed.
The biography is now the main source of information about Alfred's life, and provides far more information about Alfred than is known about any other early English ruler. Asser also assisted Alfred in his translation of Gregory the Great's Pastoral Care, and possibly with other works.Asser is sometimes cited as a source for the legend of Alfred having founded the University of Oxford, which is now known to be false. A short passage making this claim was interpolated by William Camden into his 1603 edition of Asser's Life. Doubts have also been raised periodically about whether the entire Life is a forgery, written by a slightly later writer, but it is now almost universally accepted as genuine.