Arrow Slip Stream

Monday, 25 January 2010

Beat The System

There's more resposibilty on trains to get us where we want on time without delay (MMM) Hey I wasn't to blame for the late train arrival a down to geography (don't blame) we made it in one piece and together (so to speak).

The trick here isn't to travel Hi So or travel with high priced trains the spirit is to hit the low costs. The route might differ from the other trains but you'll get there with a state of mind might that will be different from your inital departure emotion and guess what you would have learnt something from the lower experience. I've been there and believe me, cheaper tickets are the way forward , even if you arrive late. The mind will still be ticking away at you for an answer on how the heck your made it without to much bother. Like the use of English in an email you will be feeling a little less etiquette for a while but believe us at the Elite, the platform is there for a new dawn.

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